What are the best beauty and health tips for avoiding sun damage?

You can reduce your risk of sun damage and skin cancer by staying in the shade under an umbrella, tree, or other shelter. The best thing you can do to protect your skin is to use sunscreen or protective clothing when you're outdoors, even when you're in the shade.

What are the best beauty and health tips for avoiding sun damage?

You can reduce your risk of sun damage and skin cancer by staying in the shade under an umbrella, tree, or other shelter. The best thing you can do to protect your skin is to use sunscreen or protective clothing when you're outdoors, even when you're in the shade. Reapply every hour if you are swimming or sweating. Be very careful near water and sand.

These surfaces reflect the sun's harmful rays, which can increase your chances of getting sunburn. A burn isn't the only type of skin damage the sun can cause, but it also causes sunspots and visible signs of skin aging. Ultraviolet A (UVA) rays can also damage DNA, he adds. While the FDA has said it is taking a closer look at some chemical ingredients in sunscreens, both types of formulas are effective and available for safe use.

Safety isn't limited to sunscreens. It's important to see a board-certified dermatologist for a comprehensive skin exam once a year, more often if you have a history of skin cancer. And once a month, you should take your own exam at home. Check for any abnormalities and notice any changes in texture, such as scales, bumps, or rough, uneven areas.

You should also notice visible skin changes, especially around moles. According to Dr. Lipner, this mnemonic device applies to melanomas, but other types of skin cancer may look different. Basal cells can usually be a scaly red spot or a small pink bump.

Squamous cell carcinoma is less common than basal cell cancer, but more common than melanoma, and it can appear as an area of thickened skin. Did you forget to reapply your sunscreen after taking a dip in the pool? Did you miss a spot on your ears? When you notice a sunburn taking place, go to the shade immediately. You can cover the burned areas with a cold compress and then apply a thick moisturizer. Brevard Health Alliance offers a diagnosis and treatment for this painful condition if a sunburn occurs that peels or blisters.

It's important to prevent sun damage by covering your skin and using sunscreen to reduce the risk of health problems such as skin cancer. Learn how you can treat and prevent sun-damaged skin and why sun damage is bad for your health. This health center receives funding from HHS and is considered by the Federal Public Health Service (PHS) with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, both for itself and for covered individuals. There is a link between sun exposure and the risk of skin cancer in people with lighter skin, but there doesn't seem to be any relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer in people with dark skin.

Chemical peels are another treatment option for sun-damaged skin and are usually done on the face, neck, and hands.

Jennie Reid
Jennie Reid

Passionate internet trailblazer. Hipster-friendly bacon ninja. Tv evangelist. Professional internet fan. Amateur social media advocate. Amateur web lover.

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